Current Issue

No 5 (2024): Вulletin № 5
Published: 2024-10-15

Electrical Complexes and Systems (2.4.2)

Electric Power Industry (Technical Sciences) (2.4.3)

Energy Systems and Complexes (2.4.5)

Theoretical and Applied Heat Engineering (Technical Sciences) (2.4.6)

Turbomachines and Piston Engines (Technical Sciences) (2.4.7)

Nuclear Power Plants, Fuel Cycle, Radiation Safety (Technical Sciences) (2.4.9)

system analisSystem Analysis, Management and Information Processing (2.3.1)

Computer Science and Information Processes (Technical Sciences) (2.3.8)

Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics (1.1.2)

History of Science and Technology (MPEI: People and years) (5.6.6)

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Vestnik Moskovskogo Energeticheskogo Instituta (Vestnik MEI)

A theoretical and scientific-practical journal.

The journal was founded in 1993.

The journal is published once in two months.

The journal’s founder and publisher is the Federal State-Funded Higher Education Institution National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute.

The Editor-in-Chief: N.D. Rogalev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the NRU MPEI (the rector’s page reference in the MPEI website is

The Vestnik MEI journal has been included on the List of Reviewed Scientific Publications publishing the main scientific results of dissertations in support of the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences and Doctor of Technical Sciences.

The journal has been included in the Russian and international library and abstract databases, including the RSCI, Ulrich's periodicals directory, and EBSCO.

Full texts of journal papers are presented on the platform of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU (the journal page reference is

The aim of the journal is informing the scientific community at large about the advances made by the scientific schools of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute and other higher schools and institutions of Russia, CIS countries, and countries outside the former Soviet Union. The materials published in the journal are intended for Russian and foreign specialists working in the fields of power engineering, electrical engineering, electromechanics, construction of machinery and equipment, radio electronics, automatics, computer engineering, etc. The journal publishes materials of fundamental and applied investigations, modern engineering solutions, hypotheses, and scientific debates. Papers of Russian and foreign scientists are published in the journal.

According to the List of Reviewed Scientific Publications adopted by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (SCADT) (the reference to the SCADT website is  the journal publishes materials that have received a positive conclusion from their reviews by the scientific worker discipline groups in accordance with the following List of Disciplines: 

2.4. Energy and electrical engineering
2.4.1. Theoretical and applied electrical engineering (technical sciences)
2.4.2. Electrotechnical complexes and systems (technical sciences)
2.4.3. Electric power industry (technical sciences)
2.4.4. Electrotechnology and electrophysics (technical sciences)
2.4.5. Energy systems and complexes (technical sciences)
2.4.6. Theoretical and applied heat engineering (technical sciences)
2.4.7. Turbomachines and piston engines (technical sciences)
2.4.8. Machines and apparatuses, processes of refrigeration and cryogenic engineering (technical sciences)
2.4.9. Nuclear power plants, fuel cycle, radiation safety (technical sciences)
2.4.11. Lighting engineering (technical sciences)

2.3. Information technology and telecommunications
2.3.1. System analysis, information management and processing, statistics (technical sciences)
2.3.2. Computing systems and their elements (technical sciences)
2.3.3. Automation and control of technological processes and industries (technical sciences)
2.3.5. Mathematical and software support for computing systems, complexes and computer networks (technical sciences)
2.3.6. Information security methods and systems, information security (technical sciences)
2.3.7. Computer modeling and design automation (technical sciences)
2.3.8. Informatics and information processes (technical sciences)

1.2. Computer Science and Informatics
1.2.2. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages (technical sciences)

The journal is distributed by subscription.

The subscription index in the joint catalogue Pressa Rossii is 36437 (the reference to the catalogue is

To subscribe the Vestnic MEI online journal in PRESSA PO PODPISKE, refer to

The papers in the Vestnik MEI journal are published on a free of charge basis.

In using the materials published in the journal, references shall be made to the journal and authors of the papers.

Information about the Publishing House: the journal is published by the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (the transliterated short Russian name is NIU MEI).

Editorial Office contacts: MPEI Z block, ground floor.

Editorial Office mail address: Krasnokazarmennaya 14, Moscow, 111250 Russia, NRU MPEI, Editorial Office of the Vestnik MEI journal.

Editorial Office phone: +7 (495) 362-70-46. E-mail: