Assessing the Prospects of a Landfill Gas Harvesting and Utilizing System with Taking into Account Climatic and Economic Factors

  • Алексей [Aleksey] Юрьевич [Yu.] Косарев [Kosarev]
  • Евгений [Evgeniy] Викторович [V.] Соломин [Solomin]
  • Глеб [Gleb] Николаевич [N.] Рявкин [Ryavkin]
  • Дмитрий [Dmitriy] Сергеевич [S.] Антипин [Antipin]
  • Антон [Anton] Александрович [A.] Ковалёв [Kovalev]
  • Богдан [Bogdan] Тарасович [T.] Погорелов [Pogorelov]
  • Аскар [Askar] Зайдакбаевич [Z.] Кулганатов [Kulganatov]
Keywords: renewable energy sources, biogas, landfill gas utilization


There are many technologies for converting waste to energy, including municipal solid waste, the degradation of which entails release of landfill gas. To prevent air pollution and further increase of the greenhouse effect, it is necessary to solve the problem of collecting and utilizing landfill gas, the components of which (methane and carbon dioxide) affect significantly the climate change. In the majority of cases, the environmental conditions in the Chelyabinsk region call for improvement, which in frequent cases is stemming from the problems related to landfills. Due to the long periods of time taken for municipal solid waste to degrade in a natural way and a constant growth of their volumes at landfills, it is necessary to assess the prospects of a system for collecting and utilizing the released landfill gas with taking into account climatic and economic factors, as well as the profitability of generating heat and electricity at landfills for which reclamation measures are planned.

Information about authors

Алексей [Aleksey] Юрьевич [Yu.] Косарев [Kosarev]

Ph.D-student of Power Stations, Networks And Power Supply Systems Dept., South Ural State University, e-mail:

Евгений [Evgeniy] Викторович [V.] Соломин [Solomin]

Dr.Sci. (Techn.), Assistant Professor of Power Stations, Networks And Power Supply Systems Dept., South Ural State University, e-mail:

Глеб [Gleb] Николаевич [N.] Рявкин [Ryavkin]

Ph.D-student of Power Stations, Networks And Power Supply Systems Dept., South Ural State University, e-mail:

Дмитрий [Dmitriy] Сергеевич [S.] Антипин [Antipin]

Ph.D-student of Power Stations, Networks And Power Supply Systems Dept., South Ural State University, e-mail:

Антон [Anton] Александрович [A.] Ковалёв [Kovalev]

Ph.D-student of Power Stations, Networks And Power Supply Systems Dept., South Ural State University, e-mail:

Богдан [Bogdan] Тарасович [T.] Погорелов [Pogorelov]

Ph.D-student of Information and Measuring Equipment Dept., South Ural State University, e-mail:

Аскар [Askar] Зайдакбаевич [Z.] Кулганатов [Kulganatov]

Ph.D-student of Information and Measuring Equipment Dept., South Ural State University, e-mail:


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For citation: Kosarev A.Yu., Solomin E.V., Ryavkin G.N., Antipin D.S., Kovalev A.A., Pogorelov B.T., Kulganatov A.Z. Assessing the Prospects of a Landfill Gas Harvesting and Utilizing System with Taking into Account Climatic and Economic Factors. Bulletin of MPEI. 2023;3:102—108. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2023-3-102-108
The work is executed at support: Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 22-19-20011)
Energy Systems and Complexes (2.4.5)