Influence of Induction Heat Treatment Conditions on the Properties of Coatings Formed by Electroplasma Spraying

  • Елена [Elena] Олеговна [O.] Осипова [Osipova]
  • Ольга [Olga] Анатольевна [A.] Маркелова [Markelova]
  • Александр [Aleksandr] Александрович [A.] Фомин [Fomin]
  • Владимир [Vladimir] Александрович [A.] Кошуро [Koshuro]
Keywords: electroplasma spraying, induction heat treatment, microhardness, porous titanium coatings, elemental-phase composition, surface structure


Porous titanium coatings were formed on titanium samples by electroplasma spraying, followed by induction heat modification in an air atmosphere at a processing temperature of 650–1250°C and a duration of 120 and 300 s. The layers formed by electroplasma spraying consisted of grains 9.9±0.5 µm in size. The coating composition included TiO, Ti2O3, and TiO2 (anatase) oxides formed as a result of interaction between titanium and gaseous medium (residual air atmosphere) in the installation working volume. After low-temperature thermal modification, the size of structural elements increased to 12.5±0.4 µm. The pore size decreased from 12.9±0.2 to 7.5±0.3 µm at an inductor current of 7.6 kA, whereas the surface porosity remained at the level of 56–58%. The induction treatment of the coatings has led to an increase in the oxygen content in the coatings from 49.6±9.2 to 71.7±1.1 at % and the formation of an oxide layer on the surface, consisting of prismatic nanosized anatase and rutile crystals. High-temperature thermal modification has led to intensive growth and subsequent exfoliation of scale. Induction heat treatment has led to an increase in the microhardness of the coatings from 1530±55 to 1825±191 HV0.98. The hardness of plasma-sprayed and low-temperature modified coatings was 82–88 HRF. The highest value of this parameter was observed during high-temperature treatment, which amounted to 108–115 HRF; in this case, the coating cracked during indentation, which is associated with the formation of a rather thick scale layer. As a result of static processing, regression models have been determined that describe the effect of temperature and time of modification of electroplasma coatings on the size of structural elements (grains, pores) and coating hardness.

Information about authors

Елена [Elena] Олеговна [O.] Осипова [Osipova]

Assistant of Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering Dept., Yuri Gagarin State Technical Univer-sity of Saratov, e-mail:

Ольга [Olga] Анатольевна [A.] Маркелова [Markelova]

Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering Dept., Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, e-mail:

Александр [Aleksandr] Александрович [A.] Фомин [Fomin]

Dr.Sci. (Techn.), Head of Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering Dept., Vice-rector for Strategic Development of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, e-mail:

Владимир [Vladimir] Александрович [A.] Кошуро [Koshuro]

Ph.D. (Techn.), Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering Dept., Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, e-mail:


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Для цитирования: Осипова Е.О., Маркелова О.А., Фомин А.А., Кошуро В.А. Влияние условий индукционно-термической обработки на свойства покрытий, сформированных методом электроплазменного напыления // Вестник МЭИ. 2023. № 3. С. 63—72. DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2023-3-63-72
Работа выполнена при поддержке: гранта Президента РФ (грант № МД-965.2021.4)
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10. Song S.H., Min B.K., Hong M.-H., Kwon T.-Y. Application of a Novel CVD TiN Coating on a Biomedical Co-Cr Alloy: an Evaluation of Coating Layer and Substrate Characteristics. Materials. 2020;13(5):1145—1359.
11. Vogel D., Dempwolf H., Baumann A., Bader R. Characterization of Thick Titanium Plasma Spray Coatings on PEEK Materials Used for Medical Implants and the Influence on the Mechanical Properties. J. Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2018;77:600—608.
12. Kalita V.I., Komlev D.I., Radyuk A.A. Structure and Mechanical Properties of Three-dimensional Capillary-porous Titanium Coatings on Intraosteal Implants. Inorganic Materials: Appl. Research. 2016;7(4):536—541.
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18. Shankar A.R., Karthiselva N.S., Mudali U.K. Thermal Oxidation of Titanium to Improve Corrosion Resistance in Boiling Nitric Acid Medium. Surface and Coating Technol. 2013;235:45—53.
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20. Fomin A.A. i dr. Struktura i Mikrotverdost' Titanovykh Pokrytiy na Implantatakh Posle Induktsionno-termicheskoy Obrabotki. Perspektivnye Materialy. 2016;12:25—37. (in Russian).
For citation: Osipova E.O., Markelova O.A., Fomin A.A., Koshuro V.A. Influence of Induction Heat Treatment Conditions on the Properties of Coatings Formed by Electroplasma Spraying. Bulletin of MPEI. 2023;3:63—72. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2023-3-63-72
The work is executed at support: Grant of the President of the Russian Federation (Grant No. МД-965.2021.4)
Electrotechnology and Electrophysics (Technical Sciences) (2.4.4)