Actual Problems of Operation of Turbine and Pumping Equipment of Pumped Storage Power Plants

  • Роман [Roman] Михайлович [M.] Габидулин [Gabidulin]
  • Владимир [Vladimir] Александрович [A.] Хохлов [Khokhlov]
  • Николай [Nikolay] Андреевич [A.] Ярда [Yarda]
Keywords: PSPP, turbine, pump, generator, motor, unit, pumped storage power plant, technical condition index


The article discusses matters concerned with the performance efficiency of pumped storage power plants (PSPP) and its governing factors. The specific features pertinent to the operation of PSPP turbine and pumping equipment are analyzed along with the approaches used at Russian power facilities to diagnose their state in line with the applicable regulatory and technical framework. Pressing matters concerned with diagnosing the state of PSPP equipment are identified with taking into account the experience gained from their operation and designing in Russia and around the world. The identified matters generate the need to carry out studies aimed at finalizing the approaches to diagnosing the technical state of turbine and pumping equipment, and perfecting the relevant regulatory and technical framework. Features and malfunctions pertinent to the operation of pumping and turbine equipment along with the related features and malfunctions of generator (motor) equipment that are encountered at PSPPs in Russia and around the world are pointed out; the most frequent of which are identified, and their causes are analyzed. In our opinion, these features should be selected taking into account in calculating the technical condition index of the PSPP turbine and pumping equipment. To achieve more efficient operation of the PSPP turbine and pumping equipment, the composition of the plant’s operating generating and pumping equipment should be selected with taking into account the effect the operation chart of the connected equipment and its technical state have on the total generation/consumption of electricity; in addition, measures for diagnostics and maintenance of PSPP equipment should be taken in a more regulated manner.

Information about authors

Роман [Roman] Михайлович [M.] Габидулин [Gabidulin]

Ph.D.-student of Hydro Power Engineering and Renewable Energy Sources Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:

Владимир [Vladimir] Александрович [A.] Хохлов [Khokhlov]

Dr.Sci. (Techn.), Professor of Energy Structures and Hydro-Technical Installations Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:

Николай [Nikolay] Андреевич [A.] Ярда [Yarda]

Ph.D.-student of Hydro Power Engineering and Renewable Energy Sources Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:


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For citation: Gabidulin R.M., Khokhlov V.A., Yarda N.A. Actual Problems of Operation of Turbine and Pumping Equipment of Pumped Storage Power Plants. Bulletin of MPEI. 2022;5:47—55. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2022-5-47-55
Electric Power Industry (Technical Sciences)