An Analysis of Methods and Sophisticated Assessment of the Observer Visual Functions

  • Юлия [Yulia] Александровна [A.] Скорик [Skorik]
  • Николай [Nikolay] Петрович [P.] Елисеев [Yeliseev]
  • Андрей [Andrey] Андреевич [A.] Григорьев [Grigoriev]
Keywords: lighting quality, visual performance, visual acuity/proofreading test, Landolt’s rings


The article analyzes the techniques used to evaluate the quality criteria of a modern lighting system. Special attention is paid to assessing the visual performance, including such indicators as attention focusing and stability, attentional set-shifting, and accuracy and performance quotients. The research work was carried out in the classroom of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute National Research University’s Department of Lighting Engineering. The nature of activity performed by the observers necessitates that the extent to which their visual performance decreases during the working in the course constantly learning educational matter should be kept to a minimum. Our studies have shown the effectiveness of using the Landolt’s rings visual acuity test in comparison with the proofreading test based on using alphabetic characters. In particular, it has been shown that the obtained attention focusing indicator and the accuracy and performance quotients bear insufficient information. The frequencies of missed and mistakenly checked characters before and after the classroom hours were studied. The expediency to carry out further studies on evaluating the visual performance using the newly introduced sophisticated experimental performance criterion (the use of which allows the visual performance to be evaluated within a shorter period of time) is shown. The proposed criterion includes (i) the accuracy quotient, which depends on the number of correctly and incorrectly marked characters in the visual acuity (proofreading) test, and (ii) the minimum and maximum rate of work for the time of the experiment. It is supposed that the future studies will include assessing the advisability of using, as the visual performance main indicator, the probability of correct answers given by the observer. The future studies should also include the development of software that would make it possible to reduce the time taken to prepare and conduct the study, and to process its results.

Information about authors

Юлия [Yulia] Александровна [A.] Скорик [Skorik]


Lighting Engineering Dept., NRU MPEI



Николай [Nikolay] Петрович [P.] Елисеев [Yeliseev]


Lighting Engineering Dept., NRU MPEI


Assistant Professor

Андрей [Andrey] Андреевич [A.] Григорьев [Grigoriev]

Science degree:

Dr.Sci. (Techn.)


Lighting Engineering Dept., NRU MPEI




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For citation: Skorik Yu.A., Yeliseev N.P., Grigoriev A.A. An Analysis of Methods and Sophisticated Assessment of the Observer Visual Functions. MPEI Vestnik. 2018;2:95—101. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2018-2-95-101.
Electrical Engineering (05.09.00)