Use of Multimedia Facilities for Visualizing Processes in Long Transmission Lines

  • Леонард [Leonard] Валентинович [V.] Алексейчик [Alexeychik]
  • Марина [Marina] Павловна [P.] Жохова [Zhokhova]
  • Татьяна [Tatyana] Александровна [A.] Васьковская [Vasykovskaya]
Keywords: distributed parameter circuits (long transmission lines), multimedia facilities, virtual laboratory, engineering education


The visualization facilities used by teachers for helping students to apprehend the topic of long transmission lines are considered. For the entire period of time this topic was taught, teachers searched for ways to outline this topic in the most understandable manner for facilitating the understanding by the students of the physical phenomena in and mathematical description of long transmission lines. The article describes how the tools used by the teachers and students for calculating steady-state operating conditions and transients in distributed parameter circuits were changed. The modern visualization facilities are scrutinized. The experience gained from using the integrated Mathcad software, the LabView software environment, and the Matlab system for calculating and visualizing the processes in long transmission lines is employed.

Information about authors

Леонард [Leonard] Валентинович [V.] Алексейчик [Alexeychik]

Science degree:

Dr.Sci. (Techn.)


Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Dept., NRU MPEI



Марина [Marina] Павловна [P.] Жохова [Zhokhova]

Science degree:

Ph.D. (Techn.)


Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Dept., NRU MPEI


Assistant Professor

Татьяна [Tatyana] Александровна [A.] Васьковская [Vasykovskaya]

Science degree:

Ph.D. (Techn.)


Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Dept., NRU MPEI


Assistant Professor


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Для цитирования: Алексейчик Л.В., Жохова М.П., Васьковская Т.А. Использование мультимедийных средств для визуализации процессов в длинных линиях // Вестник МЭИ. 2018. № 1. С. 132—138. DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2018-1-132-138.
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For citation: Alexeychik L.V., Zhokhova M.P., Vaskovskaya T.A. Use of Multimedia Facilities for Visualizing Processes in Long
Transmission Lines. MPEI Vestnik. 2018;1:132—138. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2018-1-132-138.
Theory and Technique of Vocational Education (13.00.08)