Analyzing the Effect of Carbonaceous Reducing Agents on Energy Consumption in a Ferrochromium Producing Electric Furnace

  • Виктор [Viktor] Петрович [P.] Рубцов [Rubtsov]
  • Сергей [Sergey] Юрьевич [Yu.] Колыванов [Kolyvanov]
  • Илья [Ilya] Владимирович [V.] Хомяков [Khomyakov]
Keywords: specific consumption of electric energy, bath furnace electrical resistance, carbonaceous reducing agents, electric ore-smelting furnace


The electrical operating mode of an electric ore-smelting furnace for producing ferrochromium was monitored for experimentally studying the effect the reducing charge composition has on the melting process technical and economic indicators, including the electrical efficiency, yield of commercial metal, furnace output, and specific energy consumption.A computerized measuring and computing complex was developed that provides measurement of electrical, thermal and mass performance of the furnace and the formation of the initial summary file of the furnace operation per day; calculation of the material and heat balance of the furnace and electrical characteristics of the furnace; creating a source table in Excel with the ability to create graphs and diagrams of measured values. It is established that for the rational conduct of melting it is necessary to control and maintain the resistance of the furnace bath. The study results are presented in the form of tables and graphs illustrating the effect the bath furnace electrical resistance has on the specific consumption of electric energy for different grades of coke and coal. The article also presents straight lines (obtained using the least squares method) approximating the above-mentioned dependences, which can be used for adjusting the controllers of the furnace operation modes.

Information about authors

Виктор [Viktor] Петрович [P.] Рубцов [Rubtsov]

Science degree:

Dr. Sci. (Techn.)


Electric Supply of Industrial Enterprises Dept., NRU MPEI



Сергей [Sergey] Юрьевич [Yu.] Колыванов [Kolyvanov]


Open Company «TFP»


Managing Director

Илья [Ilya] Владимирович [V.] Хомяков [Khomyakov]


Electric Supply of Industrial Enterprises Dept., NRU MPEI




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For citation: Rubtsov В.P., Kolyvanov S.Yu., Khomyakov I.V. Analyzing the Eff ect of Carbonaceous Reducing Agents on Energy Consumption in a Ferrochromium Producing Electric Furnace. MPEI Vestnik. 2018;1:53—58. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2018-1-53-58.
Electrical Engineering (05.09.00)