Experience Gained from Setting Up Cycle Chemistry with the Use of Film-Forming Amines at Thermal Power Stations Equipped with Combined-Cycle Plants

  • Тамара [Tamara] Ивановна [I.] Петрова [Petrova]
  • Ольга [Olga] Вадимовна [V.] Егошина [Yegoshina]
  • Наталия [Nataliya] Алексеевна [A.] Большакова [Bol'shakova]
  • Виталий [Vitaliy] Олегович [O.] Яровой [Yarovoy]
  • Светлана [Svetlana] Станиславовна [S.] Рыбина [Rybina]
Keywords: thermal power station, combined-cycle plant, heat recovery steam generator, cycle chemistry, film-forming amine, cycle chemistry monitoring systems


The list of thermal power stations equipped with combined-cycle plants (CCPs) at which chelamine is used as a correcting reagent is presented. The advantages of this reagent and advisability of using it are pointed out. The main drawbacks of cycle chemistries based on film-forming amines are formulated, namely, low pH values in the low-pressure boiler water with high pH values in superheated low-pressure steam and high concentrations of ammonia in superheated steam. The effect the concentration of a complex reagent has on the water and steam quality parameters during the operation of a 110 MW combined-cycle unit in its nominal mode is outlined. Measures taken for optimally conducting the cycle chemistry with metering complex reagents as applied to a CCP are considered. The results from regime-adjustment tests of the cycle chemistry of a heat recovery steam generator with metering a complex reagent are described. It has been revealed that in case of using Type 906 H chelamine, the specific electrical conductivity of the H-cation sample of high-pressure superheated steam exceeds the values prescribed by the temporary regulations, and that the pH of the low-pressure circuit's boiler water is at the lower limit of the range prescribed by these regulations. A transition for using Type BRW 150H reagent, which is characterized by a lower distribution ratio between boiling water and saturated steam, has been done. The results obtained from the regime-adjustment tests in the cases of using chelamine of types 906H and BRW 150H were subjected to a comparative analysis. It has been revealed that the replacement of the chelamine type (with the reagent concentration remaining the same) resulted in a higher concentration of sodium, higher conductivity of the H-cation sample, and higher pH value of low-pressure feed water. It has been shown that with a lower concentration of Type BRW 150H reagent, the main quality indicators of feed water, boiler water, and low- and high-pressure steam are within the their standardized ranges and have stable values. It is pointed out that the specific consumption of Type BRW 150H reagent is a factor of 2 lower than in case of metering Type 906H reagent.

Information about authors

Тамара [Tamara] Ивановна [I.] Петрова [Petrova]

Science degree:

Dr. Sci (Techn.)


Theoretical Bases of Heat Engineering named after M.P. Vukalovich Dept., NRU MPEI



Ольга [Olga] Вадимовна [V.] Егошина [Yegoshina]

Science degree:

Ph.D. (Techn.)


Theoretical Bases of Heat Engineering named after M.P. Vukalovich Dept., NRU MPEI


Assistant Professor

Наталия [Nataliya] Алексеевна [A.] Большакова [Bol'shakova]


Theoretical Bases of Heat Engineering named after M.P. Vukalovich Dept., NRU MPEI



Виталий [Vitaliy] Олегович [O.] Яровой [Yarovoy]


Theoretical Bases of Heat Engineering named after M.P. Vukalovich Dept., NRU MPEI



Светлана [Svetlana] Станиславовна [S.] Рыбина [Rybina]


Chemical Dept. of the of Vologda Сombined Heat and Power


Chief of the Dept.


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For citation: Petrova T.I, Yegoshina O.V., Bol'shakova N.A., Yarovoy V.O., Rybina S.S. Experience Gained from Setting Up Cycle Chemistry with the Use of Film-Forming Amines at Thermal Power Stations Equipped with Combined-Cycle Plants. MPEI Vestnik. 2017; 6:44—53. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2017-6-44-53.
Power engineering (05.14.00)