• Сергей [Sergey] Александрович [A.] Лукин [Lukin]
  • Александр [Aleksandr] Борисович [B.] Фролов [Frolov]
  • Сергей [Sergey] Борисович [B.] Гашков [Gashkov]
Keywords: finite field, polynomial and optimal normal base, base transformation, field characteristic, finite field of characteristic, rising to power, multiplication, inversion, hyperelliptic curve, Tate pairing


We study optimal normal bases of 2 and 3 types and their modifications for implementation of arithmetic operations in finite fields of characteristic 7. Representations of fields elements in bases of these types, permutated, reduced, redundant, polynomial base as well as transformation algorithms between those bases together with using polynomial basis multiplication algorithm, algorithms for rising to power equal to degree of field characteristic, inversion, and rising to arbitrary power in reduced bases have been described.

Information about authors

Сергей [Sergey] Александрович [A.] Лукин [Lukin]

Workplace Mathematical Modeling Dept., NRU MPEI
Occupation ph.D.-student

Александр [Aleksandr] Борисович [B.] Фролов [Frolov]

Science degree: Dr.Sci. (Techn.)
Workplace Mathematical Modeling Dept., NRU MPEI
Occupation professor

Сергей [Sergey] Борисович [B.] Гашков [Gashkov]

Science degree: Dr.Sci. (Phys.-Math.)
Workplace Discrete Mathematics Dept., Moscow State University named M.V. Lomonosov
Occupation professor


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