A Systematic Approach to Optimizing the Working Environment as a Basis for Organizing Labor Protection at Power Facilities

  • Антонина [Antonina] Львовна [L.] Суздалева [Suzdaleva]
  • Виктор [Viktor] Тихонович [T.] Медведев [Medvedev]
Keywords: labor protection, working environment, industry branch nosological profiles, industrial nosological complex, industrial injury complex


The set of labor protection measures is based on the consideration of harmful and dangerous factors pertinent to the production process. This activity is aimed at reducing the risk of individual effects that can inflict harm to the human health. However, the conditions causing the development of occupational diseases and occurrence of occupational injuries are often formed as a result of complex combinations of factors, the effect of which, when taken separately, does not violate the permissible levels established by relevant standards. A new concept for setting up labor protection at power facilities is proposed, the main focus of which is shifted from efforts aimed at minimizing the impact of identified harmful and hazardous production factors to creating a favorable working environment. Labor protection measures should be focused at preserving the health of employees in the course of their labor activity rather than at limiting adverse effects on the human organism. To this end, the working environment, the condition of which has an effect on the health of the personnel of production enterprises, shall be considered as an integer system. Thus, a systems methodology for organizing labor protection implies the use of an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems. In elaborating and implementing labor protection measures, it is necessary to engage experts specializing in the fields of industrial ecology and human ecology. The development of new technologies results in that the working environment is constantly becoming more complicated, and that new effects caused by its emergent properties occur. A number of new terms have been proposed for describing such phenomena, in particular, an industrial nosological complex, a production injury complex, and an industry branch nosological complex. It is proposed to develop nosological profiles for hydraulic, nuclear, and thermal power engineering facilities. This will make it possible to achieve more efficient use of industrial resources on preventing occupational diseases and injuries. In addition, the formation of industrial nosological profiles will make it possible to carry out a comparative analysis of the results from technological refitting.

Information about authors

Антонина [Antonina] Львовна [L.] Суздалева [Suzdaleva]

Science degree: Dr.Sci. (Biolog.)
Workplace Engineering Ecology and Labor Safety Dept., NRU MPEI
Occupation Professor

Виктор [Viktor] Тихонович [T.] Медведев [Medvedev]

Science degree: Dr.Sci. (Techn.)
Workplace Engineering Ecology and Labor Safety Dept., NRU MPEI
Occupation Professor


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